We are a village Pre-school taking up to 18 children a session, between the ages of 2yrs 6 months to 5yrs. The children who attend are mostly from Ashton Keynes, with some coming from the surrounding villages.
Our emphasis is learning through play. Allowing children to take the lead in the direction of play, and control over their own experiences, builds confidence and develops independent thinking and learning. We recognise the individual and diverse ways that children develop and learn, and plan for each child.
We have good links with the village school, and those children who will be moving up to the school in the following September have regular visits in the summer term to help them prepare. Our Ofsted rating at our last inspection was GOOD, please see the Ofsted section for the full repost and we have secured the Bristol Standards Quality Assurance award.
Currently from the start of the term after a child turns 3, they are eligible for 15hrs of government funding to attend a registered childcare setting. If your child currently uses their full grant allocation at another setting, or has not yet turned 3, please contact us for details of our fees. We will also be offering places for 30 hour funded children, get in touch for more details, using our “TEAM & CONTACTS” section.
Our opening hours are: Monday – Thursday 9.00 – 3.00 and Friday 9.00 – 3.00.